Quantum Games at ‘Science is Wonderful!’

67 different international scientific research projects gathered together to share their knowledge and love for science. “Science is Wonderful” was held on the 25th and 26th of September 2019 in Brussels.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and other EU-funded research and innovation projects gathered to share their work and let the visitors get a closer look into the amazing world of science. The event was open for everyone and featured science projects from a wide variety of different fields. One of them was “Fun with Quantum Games” conducted by ScienceAtHome’s Ph.D. student Shaeema Zaman and Marie Curie fellow Fernando Gago Encinas. They are both members of the QuSCo project.

At the stand, visitors were invited to play Quantum Moves 2 and learn more about quantum optimal control and quantum sensors. To visualize quantum sensors visitors took part in a physical game where players had to find treasure on a map using different magnets. A stronger magnet was used to symbolize the quantum sensor and a weaker magnet to symbolize classical sensors. This showed the audience how quantum sensors can be a very efficient upgrade from the classical sensors we use today.

Around 900 people visited the “Fun with Quantum Games” stand mostly in the age group of 8-18 years old. Teachers, Education and Outreach professionals also attended the event. This provided plenty of opportunities to spread the love and need for quantum physics to a lot of people.

If you still haven’t tried out Quantum Moves 2 you can download and play here.


Quantum Games at ‘Science is Wonderful!’